Very often do people call me a softy. Whether it's being a teacher, or with guys or friends or family, even with animals... they say I let them take advantage of me. They don't mean it in a derogatory way but it's definitely not a compliment. But I guess they are also concerned about me, which I do appreciate.

However, I do want to defend myself or at least shed some light regarding this issue...when it comes to teaching, I believe in positive reinforcements, I don't like to punish or yell at the top of my lungs. I genuinely believe that if there are naughty students, with patience, love and a positive model, they will eventually improve, I'm not saying it will happen over night but it will happen. Same with guys... I might not know the true meaning of love but there's one thing my mom taught me that I will always remember "It takes time to move the heart of someone you love". So basically, when you feel like you're not reaping what you sow, you keep sowing. And even though I can't say I have ever been successful with this, I like to believe that what I give to a man would at least in the most trivial way warm his heart or brighten up his day. I believe it was a couple years ago, when I was still in college and single, I had afternoon tea with an auntie, and she told me "Kind girls like you will definitely find true love in the end" a few years later I was dating, and even though it didn't last, I like to believe she meant that from the bottom of her heart. Friends... may take advantage of you, you help them once, they ask for more help the next time and it goes viral. But...
bottom line is I believe in giving more than I believe in taking, and that goes for everybody and anybody. You may say it reinforces behavior like taking advantage of me, but I don't like playing mind games, I just give. I am a very simple person. Call me dumb or naive or whatever, that's just my philosophy. Give.
Cause to me, the contrary perplexes me: A student is naughty, you punish him/her... he/she resents you. You play hard to get with a guy, he might fall for it now, but in the long run he's gonna wonder what he's doing. Friends, you stop helping them, and you're gonna feel sorry for them...etc.
Whether you believe in God or not, karma or not, whether you are an atheist... think about it, our world would be so much more simple and less complicated if we all were softies, if we didn't guard ourselves up in high castles because we don't wanna "lose". It would be a more loving world.
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