They say you will only be good at what you are doing if you're addicted to it. Just like the two main characters one of the greatest blockbusters of the year Whiplash. Excellence comes with addiction. And that's not supposed to be a problem because I love the literary world. I love reading and writing. All I need now is to win that plaque that says I'm good at it. And I'm not talking about graduating from my masters and getting back into public school teaching, not even IB, not even lecturing, I won't stop there. Because I need to, because I crave for it, because I'm addicted...I will finish the half finished novel I wrote. I will write and write till it's right; edit, edit, edit until it's immaculate. And I will use the same dedication I had to get into grad school and finish it, to get a literary agent, and then get myself published. That is what I wanted since I was 14. And I will do it before I turn 34. Mark. My. Word. If my goal was to be a mom of two by 34, well honey that goal is out of the window, deep in the sea, making it's own millions of fish babies. Cause right now, there's a bigger fish to catch. "Plenty Of Fish" in the sea? I'm sick and tired of swimming around looking for a good fish. Neither do I want any fish. I want this fish! My Moby Dick!

People always say they want passion. They want a passionate relationship. Well how about be passionate about your life goals too, if not more?
I recently met Victoria Stacey in one of my University of Waterloo classes, on our first day of class we sat together and when asked to be paired together for the whole semester for assignments, Victoria turned without hesitant to this little stranger who's new here and didn't know what "Rhetoric of Digital Design" meant, and asked if I would like to be her partner. Already I felt her decisive and dedicated personality. As we started working on our assignments, even though there were times we hit a road block, in the end were able to overcome the seemingly treacherous obstacles. How did we do that? I can't say for Stacey but her passion to overcome obstacles influenced me to work alongside with her. Her dedication to her co-op work has also inspired me to be passionate about what I love. Just as she loves photography, story-telling, and creative craftsmanship. Towards the end of our course and a successful exhibition of our work, I even learnt that she is the Founder and Editor in Chief of the magazine Passion8. Without turning over the pages, the magazine's title already captivated me. Skimming through it and hearing her enthusiasm about it led me immediately to ask "Can I be a contributor?" and again, with the same dose of decisiveness she had when I met her she said "Yea, sure. Just send it to me ..." and she mentioned a deadline for her intended next edition.
So hear I am writing not only a blog for my site, doing something I am passionate about and writing about it, but I also want to highly endorse the pathos as well as the professional work of Victoria and her team. And well of course the obvious agenda: writing in the hopes I can contribute to this great initiative, Passion8.
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