Wednesday, July 10, 2024

"I Used to Be Funny" Movie Review

I recently joined to be a member of Toronto International Film Festival annual membership and saw the local indie dramedy "I Used to be Funny". Going in, I didn't read too much about it except to know it was under the umbrella of "Women in Action" in the now showings and a local production about a woman in comedy. Suffice to say, I had no regrets watching it, and I actually found it quite suspenseful and a pretty good balance between the comedy and drama genre (I would say the latter is heavier). 

This arts majored comedy who became an au pair in Europe comes back to Toronto to find success in comedy and her love life. As she dips her toes back into being an au pair in the GTA, she finds herself in an interesting relationship with her assigned "minor". As the story slowly but beautifully unfolds, you are on the edge of your seat, wanting to know what had happened to this protagonist. 

There's only some minor defects with it if you must press me to say something, but because that will be a bit of a spoiler alert, I'm going to stop here. But I will give it a bit higher than it's IMDB rating and give it a solid 7.5. Either you do the real math or artistic math and decide whether to watch this movie now showing at TIFF Lightbox.  

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