The biggest gift i attained this year is not the fact that i have been swimming more, running more, cycling more, not the fact that i have been taking up various dance classes again and joined pure yoga (btw i kinda hate physical fitness), not the fact that i grew a year older and got a new job (gees now i sound like a bragger) but they all taught me the same and very important lesson, the greatest gift and realization is that comparing with the person next to you isn't gonna get you anywhere, so stop comparing!!!
Its the rule every sprint or swim coach will tell you but the easiest to forget. People will tell you not to compare yourself with other peoples' lives but you would never listen. And when you keep comparing and stray from focusing on your own sport or life goals, in the end you will not be your best self and instead pathetically comparing yourself with people that shouldn't matter like the guy in the park who flew a lightyear past you or the girl in the front of that dance class. Its not just that fraction of a second that you look into the next swimming lane but your whole mentality of what defines "winning" pulls you down. Its like losing your balance in yoga. Does it really have to be the person with a metal or trophy who has to be the winner? Or did you achieve a personal best time? Does it have to be the person who makes the most money or lives in the biggest house have to be the winner? When keep chasing the dollar sign and don't focus on what you do are already the biggest loser. And in the end the wrong people become scientists or the wrong people become teachers, with a lack of legitimate justification...and that sadly leads to an unbalanced society.
Becoming a special needs teacher has anchored that epiphany for me, not only in the sense that people with learning difficulties can be their own winners as they progress, but even the moderately bright kids shouldn't give themselves a hard time. God made us differently for a reason. But their is one thing that is for sure--EVERYONE has a talent! Once you find it, do yourself and everyone else a favor and hold onto it! Its gold!!!
And don't just hold on to it, but apply it in a team spirit!!! That's what relays are meant for, thats why there are dance crews or debate teams. Thats how companies and nations are founded. So do us all a favor and FOCUS on yourself but in the midst of it don't forget you are in a team, a society, or simply...a family!!! You are a SOCIAL human being!!!
C'est la vie!!! Et bon appetit!!!
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